Hey all you WordPress fans. Ever tried to move your blog from one
server to another, only to find out that the WXR file that you're trying
to import is too big? Well, you could try fiddling with PHP variables
to increase the upload size limit, but even then you might run into some
sort of execution time-out. Heck, your server admin may not even let
you change these settings.
The way around this problem is to split your humongous WXR data file
into smaller chunks. Sure you could do it "by hand", but wow, would that
take forever.
Good news, everybody! Version 1.52 of the WXR Splitter is here! The new software includes:
- Super fast parsing of the WXR file. A 32MB file can be loaded in under 3 seconds!
- Files are split by file size rather than by number of files.
Click here to download: The WXR File Splitter v1.52
(Old version of WXR File Splitter v.1.02 still available. Slower; splits by # of files desired. File size varies.)
This software requires a PC running Windows XP, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7 with the .NET 2.0 framework installed. (Over 90% of Windows
users can run .Net 2.0 applications -- If you don't have it installed,
you can download .NET directly from Microsoft.)
Just download the file, unzip the file, and run it. It is a very
simple 2-step process to break the large file into smaller, more
manageable files (as shown in the image above.)
Having trouble with this tool? Need some extra help? Send me an email!
I offer this useful tool for free, but if you find it very useful and want to offer a token of your appreciation...
Don't wanna deal with PayPal, but have Alt. Coins to spare? A nice, healthy gratuity in any of the following would be greatly appreciated:

BTC: 1JRowwDQDphNvsRXdyCCipZXs6KAogjTYu
LTC: LV7S88VJhogbhg6nW1PHCWXrUT7tUsYzdZ
DOGE: DM8tp3Nbtoa5cHF1VSa1gH5fJUG37cRLrj
Feel free to leave any constructive feedback in the comments below, too! :) Comments are down for now. Sorry. :(